I always find Father’s Day a bit of a challenge — for my husband and my own Dad.

These are the kind of guys that are pretty self-sufficient. They want something, they go out and get it. Which leaves us crawling Pinterest for weird gadgets or practical tools at the Canadian Tire. Well, not this year Pops! This year, we’re launching the Dad’s Day Olympics! The challenge is on us!

Wait — what, how does this work? OK, picture this: Dad sleeps in to his liking on Sunday morning, to awaken and find himself with a Dad’s Day Olympics Program on his bedside. Which, by the way — is where his first Dad Olympics “event” is set to go…

Dad’s Day Olympic Event Program:

The Bacon Event: Right there on the bedside table. Where it should be. He eats bacon here. Probably shares some with the kids and their big eyes.


The Remote Control Event: Right there where all sorts of actual sports are on TV…golf, FIFA soccer, Rugby. Whatever floats your boat, Dad.

The Coffee & Newspaper Event: Probably one of the most vital events for Dad. This is where he reads the paper for an unusually long amount of time, and you say nothing about the incessant and really loud rustling of papers that are then strewn all over the floor. Suck it up, Mom. This is about Dad. It’s an important event and he must have strong focus here.

The Do Some Stuff Around the House Event. First, Dad Youtube’s some directions, then completes a task of his choice. Big or small…unclog a garburator, fix a broken irrigation line, do some grouting. This task can stretch out through the day…sending Mom off to pick up parts multiple times. Hey, it’s his day.

how to fix


The Hammock (this is where you might buy him a hammock) / Lawn chair Event. He’s been doing some intense Dadding today. Time for a break. The lawn chair/hammock must have a bit of sun and a bit of shade and come with a lemonade, ice tea, or beer. Dad’s choice.

The Jump Around, Get the Kids Rowdy Event. This may happen right in the middle of the Hammock/Lawn Chair Event. Highly unorthodox, but that’s the way these things roll. This is an intense Dad Olympics, you didn’t think this would be easy did you? Many Moms will back off and let Dad run this event in it’s entirety, only stepping in to comfort a kid that got carried away.

The Barbecue Event. The family preps the food and drinks and invites any participants. Dad BBQ’s. To Perfection. For the Win. (Tell him how goooood it was. A lot)

The Hugs and Handmade Card Event. Don’t forget this one, it happens throughout the day. Multiple hugs, and multiple cards with tools, ties and fish on them are always welcome.


Photo from Instructables.com
Photo from Instructables.com


Dad’s Obstacle Course: This is mostly about you doing dishes after he cooked. Watch for large pots and pans and a puddle of water on the floor. #Hazards

Enjoy the Dad Event: They are GOLD. Happy Father’s Day!


Mel Z – Middays 10am – 2pm on Ocean 98.5