Source: @Coldplay Twitter
Source: @Coldplay Twitter

There’s this video going around that I have watched three times already today. Every time I watch it, I am moved to tears.

The boy and his parents were at the Coldplay concert in Mexico City where the song Fix You seems to sum up all kinds of emotion in this family. The boy is autistic and has moved people around the world with his reaction to the music and sweet interaction with his dad.

Coldplay tweeted this in response to the video after the boy’s parents shared it online. The video has been shared by thousands in just a few days, bringing the emotional connection of music to light and inspiring those with autism.


I love how beautifully this illustrates that live music can fill the soul with joy so big — that you just have to cry to let it out.  I’ve seen this TedX Talk that summed up this feeling at a concert — as Collective Joy.

Mel Z – Midday Show 10am – 3pm on Ocean 98.5