Look mom! Fitbit now tells me when to go to bed!

Fitbit Sleep
Source: Fitbit

The gadget is known for tracking your daily steps, but another favourite feature is the Fitbit sleep tracker that shows you how much restless sleep you’ve had and tallies up your good — or not so good night’s sleep. The new feature launched this week, “reminds” you when to go to bed. Well that is if you want to reach your sleep goals, you’d better start thinking about going to bed, Missy — says my Fitbit. Ok, not exactly, but that’s the voice I hear in my head.

There’s some research behind the idea that if you head to bed and get up around the same time each day, your sleep quality will be improved. I’m not sure about you, but if there’s something I could do to feel generally better, I’m pretty sure it’s sleep. The Fitbit has always given me an interesting look into my sleep habits, and somedays I’m surprised by what it reports. But truly, while the numbers are surprising, the effects aren’t. If you struggle to get through the evening and watch a movie with your kids or get punchy in the afternoon, you’re in the same (sinking) boat as I am. So that’s why it won’t hurt me one bit to have a gadget on my arm tell me “ahem, it’s time to hit the hay”. Lol.

Fitbit Sleep
Source: Fitbit

So Fitbit tells you to go to bed…

Fitbit Sleep
Source: Fitbit

And like the full-grown adult you are — you get to make the choice to heed it’s wise advice (similar to your mom’s) — or ignore it and go to bed late again. Either way, sweet dreams!

Mel Z – Midday Show 10am – 3pm on Ocean 98.5

Filed under: Apps, Fitbit, Gadgets, Sleep schedule, Sleep Tracker