Music inspires us in so many ways. It makes us dance, cry and sing — and sometimes all at once.

The passing of legendary Canadian singer and poet, Leonard Cohen at 82 this weekend brought a flood of emotion to those around the world.

The Toronto group Choir, Choir, Choir have encapsulated our awe, sadness and respect for the revered artist bringing together 1,500 people together to sing Cohen’s, Hallelujah. This performance actually took place earlier this year as part of a festival, filmed in Toronto’s Hearn Generation Station.

It was a magical evening. 1500 singers came to Luminato Festival at the Hearn Generating Station in Toronto. Daveed + Nobu (AKA DaBu) taught them back up parts to Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah, then Rufus Wainwright joined them on stage to sing lead. It was an EPIC NIGHT! to remember. (Choir, Choir, Choir YouTube)

Nov.10th — Leonard Cohen’s Facebook page: 

It is with profound sorrow we report that legendary poet, songwriter and artist, Leonard Cohen has passed away.
We have lost one of music’s most revered and prolific visionaries.

A memorial will take place in Los Angeles at a later date. The family requests privacy during their time of grief.

Mel Z – Middays 10am – 3pm on Ocean 98.5 

Filed under: Choir, Choir Choir Choir, Halleluja, Leonard Cohen, Rufus Wainwright, Sing, tribute