
My name is Fun Finder Corey and I’m the newest addition to the Ocean 98.5 team! I’ll be responsible for your socks, specifically KNOCKING THEM OFF at all of the hottest Victoria and Capital City events.

Some other things I’m responsible for:

  • The Roof (Raising it)
  • The Beat (Dropping it)
  • The FUN (Bringing it)
  • My Taxes (Not super relevant, but I don’t want to forget again)

I’ve already been to the Oak Bay Tea Party, World Oceans Day, the 2018 Goddess Run and some other unreal events. Check out my Fun Finder Scrapbook below! The Ocean fan-base is full of incredible people, and I can’t wait to meet more of you!!!

Good talk, let’s do it again next week, right here on ocean985.com 😉

-Fun Finder Corey

(A special #OceanFamily thanks to Westshore Town Centre, Beacon Hill Children’s Farm, Barb’s Fish & Chips, Peninsula Co-op, and Campus Nissan.)

Filed under: Community Cruiser, Fun Finder