Hello, Spring 2021! The season officially began at 5:37am today!

After making it through our first Panedmic winter, many of us are looking forward to the arrival of the spring season more than ever!

Here are some fun facts about the vernal equinox:

-“Spring Fever” is real! The term refers to a both psychological and physiological symptoms associated with the arrival of spring, including restlessness, daydreaming, and increased sexual appetite.

-Fact or Fiction?! Have you heard that it is possible to balance an egg on its end on the spring equinox? While it may be a fun experiment to try, this is a myth. Trying to balance an oval-shaped object on its end is no easier on the spring equinox than on any other day.

-Birds are more vocal in the spring. They are trying to attract mates and scare off rivals.

-If you haven’t already, you could be seeing the first spring flowers popping up soon. Watch for lilacs, irises, lilies, tulips, daffodils, and dandelions….they tend to be the first ones to appear.

-There are some spring holidays to look forward to: Easter, Passover, April Fool’s Day, Earth Day, Arbor Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Cinco De Mayo, and Holi, the Hindu festival of colors.



Filed under: Spring, spring-equinox, vernal-equinox