We’ve seen a ton of trends make a comeback during the panedmic. The latest is one we can really get behind…..cereal box prizes are BACK!

If you were a child of the 70’s, 80’s or 90’s, you know the absolute best part of breakfast (maybe the second best part, next to the time your parents let you get the sugary brand) was the cereal box prizes!

General Mills Canada is adding prizes back to select cereal boxes! Perhaps one of the most sought-after prizes was the colour-changing spoon. Well, good news!

Be on the lookout for colour changing spoons in select boxes of Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Lucky Charms! (How many adults are going to pick up one of these boxes just for nostalgia sake?!)

Filed under: 90s, Breakfast, cereal, nineties, nostalgia, retro