Le Petit Chef is a cinematic, 3D experience and a magical way to enjoy a beautiful 3-course meal at the Marriot this year!

Dinner starts with a field projected on your table and a little character pops out! It’s le Petit Chef and he has arrived to take you on a culinary journey. He let’s you follow him as he grows the vegetables for your salad course, goes fishing for your second course, and goes to Alberta for the third.

Mira loved the experience “Everybody gets their own Petit Chef!”

People of all ages are able to enjoy themselves. Mira and her group ordered steak and were able to include the optional wine pairing, whereas a family sitting close by with a child of about 6 got chicken fingers and fries!

“Her reactions made the whole thing!” Mira recalled the little girl’s sweet expressions at all the silly things Le Petit Chef was doing on the table.

For special occasions – the chef will do something extra, you just have to make a note when you’re booking.

Mira says, “You have to go check it out! It was a very FUN night.”



Experience the extraordinary! Indulge in a 4-course, 3-D gastronomic journey with Le Petit Chef, right on your plate! Discover this one-of-a-kind dining experience at Victoria Marriott’s, Fire and Water Restaurant.

Find the menu and booking details at lepetitchef.com/victoria!

Filed under: Foodie Feature