What are YOU doing to take part? Need some ideas? Here are some small but nice gestures you could easily do today!

Pay for someone’s coffee behind you in line.

Hold the door for someone.

Rake a neighbour’s leaves.

Call up a friend or relative who may be feeling a bit lonely.

Compliment someone. And be genuine about it!

Donate to your favourite charity. Or donate to someone else’s favourite charity in their name.

Smile at everyone.


Write a letter to someone.

Leave a nice note for someone.

Bake for someone. Or cook someone a meal.

Let someone go in front of you in line.

Ask someone how their day is going and genuinely listen to their response.

Do a chore that you know no one else wants to do.

Offer a ride to someone who doesn’t have a car.

Bring coffee and donuts to work.

If you see a parking meter about to expire put some change in it.

Email someone who you haven’t talked to in a while who made a difference in your life.

Let someone in your lane.

By someone flowers

Text someone you know is going through a hard time.

Share articles your friends write.

Support local…..buy something from a local small business, an artisan, a farmer etc.

Walk a dog. Yours or someone else’s. Or ask your local shelter if you can walk a dog for them.

Pick up garbage along your street, your favourite trail or a park.

Offer to help someone with a task.

Tip a little extra.




Filed under: Kindness