Racing to your local gas station before another price hike? Planning to wait in a long Costco line? Yeah, us too.
With prices going up we wanted to share some tips on how to stretch your fuel as far as possible:
1. Warm up your car for shorter lengths of time.
– Sure it won’t be super toasty, but Idling your ride for anything over a minute wastes fuel and omits large amounts of greenhouse gas.
2. Slow down and drive steady
– Driving fast increases drag, which increases fuel consumption. Tell your teenage kids.
3. Monitor when and how you brake
– Braking excessively wastes gas.
4. Turn off the engine
– Turn off your vehicle you are waiting, excess idling is a major waste of gas. It will start back up again, right?
5. Eliminate wind resistance
– Remove unneeded car racks and carriers. Do you ever use them anyway?
6. Avoid gas stations near the highway
– Gas stations near the highway are usually the most expensive.
7. Monitor your tires
– Under-inflated tires tend to wear out quicker and waste gas.
8. Change filters
– Clean filters help to keep cars running more fuel efficiently.
9. Use the correct motor oil
– Using the wrong motor oil can cause the engine to work harder and waste gas.
10. Turn down the heater
– Yup. Using your heater too much can make your car a gas-guzzler. Bundle up!
11. Choose the best route
– The shortest route isn’t always the most fuel-efficient way to go. Use the route with the least stop signs and stop lights.
12. Download a gas app! Gas Buddy is a best buddy these days!

Filed under: gas, Gas prices