Going back to school, whether it’s after a long break or starting a new school year, requires some safety precautions to ensure a healthy and secure environment for students. Here are some back-to-school safety tips for students:


  1. Backpack Safety: Ensure your backpack is properly fitted and not too heavy. Use both shoulder straps to distribute the weight evenly.
  2. Traffic Safety: If you walk or bike to school, follow traffic rules, use crosswalks, and wear reflective clothing or accessories if it’s dark outside.
  3. Bus Safety: If you take the bus, wait at a safe distance from the road, and follow the bus driver’s instructions. Stay seated and keep the aisles clear while on the bus.
  4. Stranger Danger: Remind kids not to talk to strangers, accept rides, or take anything from someone they don’t know.
  5. Bullying Awareness: If you or someone you know is being bullied, don’t be afraid to speak up and report it to a trusted adult.
  6. Hand Hygiene: Wash your hands frequently, especially before meals, and use hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available.
  7. Stay Informed: Listen to teachers and administrators for safety instructions and emergency drills.
  8. Cyber Safety: Be cautious online, avoid sharing personal information, and report any cyberbullying or suspicious online behavior to a trusted adult.