Big Brother is back on Global premiering Wednesday, March 15th at 9pm ET/PT. It looks like there are 16 guests entering the house, but you never know with all the great Big Brother twists that happen throughout the season.


There’s 3 houseguests who have their hometowns listed as BC including one from Victoria!!

Source: Big Brother - Global
Source: Big Brother – Global


Meet Karen Singbeil. Here’s her bio from

Describe yourself in three words:

Smart, loyal and funny

Do you have a strategy to win Big Brother Canada?

I’m going to try and form as many relationships and build as much trust as I can, before I stab them in the back. I need lots of alliances that don’t know about each other. I’m hopefully going to play them all. You know that the old people are always the targets – the young people think we have no value. I want to set up some foundational relationships of trust and strategize with them and help them, so that they will help me. I know I’ll be a target going in.

If you could take one thing inside the house, what would it be and why?

My husband Bruce. He’s the calm before my storm. Truly. He brings me back off the cliff. It’s going to be hard. I’ll be talking to him a lot.

What part of the Big Brother Canada experience do you think will be hardest for you?

Being away from my family. They’re my rock, my foundation and my sanity. I’m sure my kids will think it’s super cool that I’m doing this now.

What perk within the game means the most to you: A letter from home, a luxury party, a season’s slop pass, or a vote from Canada?

A vote from Canada. I already know my family is supporting me. If I also had the support of the country, well that makes me teary eyed just thinking about it.

Who is your Big Brother Canada idol and why?

Cass from last season. And Gary (Levy, BBCAN1) – I love Gary! He should have won. He played hard.

If you could travel into the future or the past which would you choose and why?

I would go twenty years in the future and see what my family was up to. My kids will have kids then, I’ll have grandkids. It would be awesome

What do people from Victoria, BC have that gives them an edge to win Big Brother Canada?

I think I have the best of both worlds. I moved up here from the states and have lived in Canada a long time. I am adaptable, amicable and flexible if I need to be. But I also believe in go hard, go big or go home.

Here is Karen’s extended bio


Competing against Karen will be a few familiar faces…


Filed under: Big Brother, Karen Singbeil, Victoria